The International & Domestic Programs Office does not maintain a list of approved summer programs, however we recommend that students begin their search with the program providers with whom we regularly work. These providers are among the most reputable in the field, with strong health and safety protocols, academic quality, and student services. Students apply directly to the program provider for summer programs (there is no Pomona College application) and work with the Registrar’s Office to discuss credit transfer. The Registrar’s Office also completes any required home school/advisor approval form for summer programs. Please email with any questions regarding summer program credit and approval.
Summer programs offered by Pomona College international and domestic program partners
- American Councils for International Education
- Arcadia Abroad
- Bard Abroad
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM)
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education (BSME)
- CET Academic Programs
- CIEE Study Abroad
- College Year in Athens (CYA)
- DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia
- Hebrew University – Rothberg International School
- IES Abroad
- Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA)
- Middlebury Schools Abroad
- Pitzer College Study Abroad
- Sarah Lawrence College
- School for Field Studies (SFS)
- School for International Training (SIT) Study Abroad
- Syracuse University Abroad
- Trinity College Study Away
- University of Minnesota
- University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall
Additional Programs and Opportunities
- Critical Language Scholarship
- Middlebury Language Schools (in the U.S.)
- Voyageur Scholarship for Public Service
You can find even more options through IIEPassport and other sites such as GoAbroad and StudyAbroad.
Funding for Summer Programs
Since Pomona College’s academic year does not include a summer term, the College does not offer financial aid for summer study abroad or in the U.S. Many of our program partners offer need- and merit-based scholarships, and there are a number of other scholarship resources as well. Please refer to our Scholarships page for more information.
Other College-sponsored International Opportunities During the Summer
Pomona College offers various opportunities for students to participate in academic and co-curricular activities over the summer in the U.S. and abroad. Please visit the following websites for more information.
- Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP): Summer Experience (Career Development Office)
- Student Research Opportunities (Dean of the College)
- Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
- Oldenborg Summer Intensive Language Study Grant Application
Departmental Grants
- Hans-Dieter Brueckner Memorial Summer Grant (German)
- Rosen Travel Grant (French)
- Iberian Grant (History)
- Westergaard Student Research Grants (History)
- Latin American History Research Grants (History)
- Wade Family Anthropology Field School Fund (Anthropology)
- Stonehill Media Studies Research Grant (Media Studies)
- Oldenborg Research and Travel Grant (Oldenborg)
- Foster Fellowship (Politics)
- Thanks to the generosity of Professor Emeritus Lorn Foster and his grateful students, the Politics Department has funds to offer the Foster Fellowship to a deserving Pomona student who, following the Washington Semester, wants to stay in Washington, DC, to have a summer unpaid internship. The Foster Fellowship will pay approximately $5000 to cover the costs of housing and living in DC during the summer. Interested students should contact the Politics Department for more information and application instructions.
*Note: This list is not comprehensive; students should consult with their faculty advisor or department chair to learn about any other departmental or subject-specific grants that may be available.